Range 3 Works Update
Hi Everyone

Now that the festive season is over work is continuing on the noise reduction measures at Auckland Pistol Club.
Work is progressing on Range 3 and the right hand side of the range is almost complete.

The Whisper Panels on the exterior walls are now in place and have made a very noticeable difference to the noise levels from Range 3.

Preliminary testing has shown excellent results and once work is complete Range 3 should be back to normal operation.

The new exterior range wall is well underway and once this has been finished the left hand side of Range 3 will be cladded with the Whisper Panels and final testing completed.
Once Range 3 is completed work will begin on Range 2b. The existing layout of this range makes it the next most cost-effective to soundproof. Our next biggest hurdle will be raising the necessary funds to purchase the materials required to push the project along.
Each Whisper Panel costs us $250+GST ($287.50 incl GST) and we will require a lot of them in order to soundproof the entire complex.
We will be doing everything we can to fund-raise for this project as membership fees will not be enough to cover the materials and labour we will need to complete the project. If anyone would would like to sponsor a panel or more your donation would be gratefully received.
To sponsor a panel please contact our Treasurer - Rob - treasurer@pistolclub.org.nz